Welcome to the Webresidence of
Howard R. Spendelow
Department of History
Georgetown University

text/links updated 10 Jan  2019

Click here for a statement on Copyright, which applies by implication to all material, whether written by me or my students,  referenced through this page.

This page was first launched in 1997 and by next year will be eligible to vote in the 2018 mid-term elections.  It makes no pretensions to 21st century flair or glitz, but nonetheless fulfills its basic purpose of serving as an initial access point for the courses I teach at Georgetown, plus providing a  quick link for sending me email.

My courses for 2018-2019 are:
History of China
    China: Origins and Imperium (fall)
    China in Transition, 1583-1989 (spring)
History of Japan I (fall only)
Modern China: History and Fiction (HIST 325) (fall only)
Confucian World to 1800 (HIST 120) (spring only)

Other information / resources:
Georgetown "Explore" profile
Archive of recently taught courses
Letters of Recommendation